For more information on dogs available for adoption, telephone 01639 721874
Kan is a Shepherd Cross.
He is a very friendly boy
with people and is great with other dogs.
He loves to play with his toys, football and his paddling pool. He also likes to dig.
For further information,
please contact Sarah on:
07706 890 811
(Kan is not one of our dogs, we are just helping to find him a home).
Kan is 10 years old.
He has a short coat.
Iris is 3 years old.
She has a short coat.
Mundi is 3 years old.
He has a short coat.
Lily is nearly 2 years old
She has a short coat.
Our dogs are adopted by their new owners, but in some instances we will place a dog in a home on what we call a Charity Assisted Basis.
What's the difference?
The only difference is that for a Charity Assisted dog, we will contribute towards some veterinary care costs. In all other respects, everything else is the same as for a normal adoption.
Why do we do this?
There are three main reasons:
For further information about adopting any of our dogs, please ring 01639 721874